Media & Talks


Staff UX Designer Takayuki Ishizuka and Staff Technical Artist Keir Rice held a media briefing on the new features of GO Snapshots.

Niantic + NZXR

April 5, 2022

"Today, we’re announcing we’ve acquired NZXR, a world-class AR studio based in New Zealand." - Niantic Blog

"Niantic makes another acquisition, absorbing AR studio NZXR" - Tech Crunch

"Pokemon Go dev Niantic acquires AR studio NZXR" -

"Niantic acquires former Magic Leap developers NZXR" -

"Pokémon Go developer Niantic acquires AR focused studio NZXR" - Venture Beat

What Are The Dangers of a Metaverse Future?

September 7, 2021 on Zero To Play

In this conversation, Keir breaks down the definition of the Metaverse, what the implications and risks are that we need to be aware of, some of the advice he has for us to be thinking about as we develop new technology and then explains his journey into games and what he is currently working on at NZXR.

A Brief Tour of the Realities

August 5, 2021 at NZGDC

Join me in a whirlwind tour covering the history of the realities leading up to this point in time, what’s going on with the industry today, and a few projections forward into the future.

Slide deck: A Brief Tour of the Realities

"So, you've been laid-off"

November, 2020 at a Game Developers of Wellington Meetup
This talk covered my experience of going through a redundancy during a pandemic and the first few months of contracting, job applications, and starting NZXR

Alas, my other talks are either under NDA or made at internal conferences